I want to thank you for registering for the training on Collective Capabilities that I’ll be conducting on Tuesday, November 29, from 12 to 2:45 p.m. Central U.S. timeCheck here to know the time in your country.

This training will include the latest research, practices, and methods for building always-ready, always-responsive, and always-innovative organizations. We’ll also cover some basics of Enterprise Agility in the course.

I have to set some ground rules so I know I can count on you. I expect you to go through the entire training, which will also certify you in EA Collective Capabilities.

The training is free and will enable you to go beyond teams and value streams to understand more about the new capabilities of Enterprise Agility.

It will be held in English, we will have live subtitles in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese (Mandarin), Russian and Japanese.

During the training, I will explain the theory and the practical part. At the same time, we will offer 2 rooms for the practices, one in Spanish and one in English. In there, ambassadors from the Enterprise Agility World Community will be ready to help you.

There are 2 things that you must confirm when I send you the appointment tomorrow:

1. That you will be able to complete the entire training. 

2. That you can find a quiet place for your training.

Tomorrow you’ll receive an invitation to the event with the connection link. If you can’t completely fulfill points 1 and 2, please give the place to someone else. I promise that we’ll repeat the event at a different time in the coming months.

Expect appointments on Tuesday. If you are unable to come, please choose NO on the appointment.

I’d like to point out that I’ll send you 2 appointments, one of which will be half an hour before the start. It’s intended for those who want to come to do some network, meet other fellows of the Enterprise Agility World community, find solutions to their organizational change problems, and exchange ideas and perspectives with people from all over the world. This part is optional.

Finally, If you haven’t registered as a citizen of the Enterprise Agility World Community yet, you can sign up here. It’s free and you’ll get a lot of benefits, but most importantly, it’ll introduce you to new models for change consultants willing to go beyond Agile.

I’d also like to thank Enterprise Agility University for sponsoring your training.

Talk to you soon,

Erich R. Bühler