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Scientific Newsletter #50

The Science Behind Corporate Gaming

If you feel the pace of change accelerating from week to week, you’re not alone. We all feel the constant pressure to adapt to new technologies and take advantage of cool new AI opportunities. Today, we’re going to talk about something that can help us build the resilience we need not only to survive but to thrive: play.

Yes, play—in the sense of recreation, games, and fun social interaction. While it may seem counterintuitive during extremely busy times, research has shown that play has immense benefits for our well-being and performance, especially under stress. Play helps put our minds in a flow state, reduce negative emotions, and unleash creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills. Group games strengthen workplace cohesion and improve collaboration, communication, and mutual support during difficult times.

Play also gives you the opportunity to temporarily detach from work demands and recharge your batteries. This prevents burnout and allows us to regain a balance between work and life. When we take time to rest and play, we’re much better able to meet challenges and lead our teams through change. Watch or listen to the video, available with subtitles in 9 languages, and tell us your opinion!


Watch or listen to the video, available with subtitles in 9 languages, and tell me what you think! We are also launching the first BOM (Behavioral Objectives Model) training in Latin America. OKRs cannot keep up with accelerating change and exponential markets, that’s why Enterprise Agility offers a new model called BOM.


The whole course (30 people) were sold in 48 hours!

Have You Had Enough of Agile Courses? Try Enterprise Agility

If you’re tired of endless agile certifications and change management courses, we have a solution for you! Our Certified Change Consultant (CCC) training on Enterprise Agility with Greg Pitcher starts in New Zealand on 5th May, click here for more details. Our CCC is packed with the latest models and frameworks to go beyond SAFe and Business Agility and take your organization and your career to new heights.

If you are in Australia, you can also check the Certified Change Consultant course with Sandip Rananavare starting soon!

Our EA Video Knowledgebase is Here to Help You!

Need help navigating the ever-changing business world? Then our video knowledge base is for you! The market is evolving faster than ever, so traditional frameworks like Scrum or SAFe may not be enough to keep up. That’s why we’ve drawn on the latest insights from behavioral and neuroscience to find new solutions.

And the best part? We’re making our knowledge base available to everyone for free! With an AI engine to help you search for specific terms or topics, you’re guaranteed to find the information you need.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact me. We’re here to help you succeed in today’s competitive marketplace.

Best regards,

Erich R. Bühler

CEO, Enterprise Agility University

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